Awarding Night of IPB’s Best Student 2017

Awarding Night of IPB’s Best Student 2017


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) again gives appreciation to the Outstanding Students of IPB 2017. This was staged in the event called "Increasing Productivity in Science and Innovation to Generate Superior Human Resources". IPB determined three achieving students selected across the faculties and diploma programs on Saturday (8/4), in the Auditorium of Andi Hakim Nasution, Dramaga Campus of IPB, Bogor.

Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Sugeng Santoso said the Major Outstanding Student Selection has been an annual event since 2003; this year is the 15th. Of the 14 times in the National Outstanding Students Selection, IPB has won the first rank 6 (six) times, the runner-up two (2) times, and the third place three (3) times.

Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto in his speech said, the outstanding students not only pursue science in their own field, but also develop the soft skills to become graduates who are independent, full of initiative, work carefully, responsible and resilient. This competence can be acquired through a formal education based on the curriculum, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The schievements of students at the national level to be in the ranks one, two and three are the result of a hard work. Meanwhile, the era of free competition requires graduates who have a balance of soft skill and hard skill. Thus, universities need to identify the achieving students and the best students to be awarded.

At the awarding Night, the winners were announced of both Bachelor (S1) and Diploma programs. Three names in the IPB's Outstanding Students of the degree program are Muhammad Murtadha Ramadhan from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as the first best student, the second best Chiara NT of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology; and the third best Dairul Fuhron of the Faculty of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences.

As for the Dipoma Program of IPB, the first best student is M. Wildan F.S; the second best Ratih Syabrina; and the third best Eric Faustine. Of the three best students at Undergraduate and Diploma levels, one will be selected in the National Outstanding Selection to be held by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) RI.

The names of other outstanding students participating in the final selection at the university are:

Danu Mandra Pratama (Faculty of Agriculture), Feryan Fernanda (Faculty of Agriculture), Albertus Reza (FKH), Gita Angelica (FKH), Ken Rizkyna (FPIK), Liza Dwi Wahyuni (FPIK), Mochmmad Anugrah Dwi Saputra (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Rizal Iqhbal Putra (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Ari Bima Putra (Faculty of Forestry), Bagas Aji Prabowo (Faculty of Forestry), Mu`minah Mustaqimah (Fateta), Retno Khoirunnisa (FEM), Holif Fitriah (FEMA), Laras Salsabila (FEMA), Nurul Muthia Izzati Fauziyah (Business School ), RA Faadila Ramadhanti M (Business School), Dwi Rizki MP (Diploma), Abdul Ghoni Hilmy (Diploma).

Also present at the awarding night were VIPB's Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Yonny Koesmaryono, Deans, Vice-Deans, Heads of the Departments, Faculties, prospective outstanding students of the General Competency Education Program (PPKU) with a GPA of 4.0. (Mtd)