Cooperation of IPB and Agency of POM Shaped the Center for Food Safety Policy Study

Cooperation of IPB and Agency of POM Shaped the Center for Food Safety Policy Study


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and Agency of POM of RI established a cooperation to boost the food safety. This was an important milestone breakthrough handling of the food safety in Indonesia. The signing of the cooperation was held on Friday (15/4) in Jakarta. 


IPB and Agency of POM committed to develop a joint-center in the form of the Center for Food Safety Policy Study (PK3P). The formation of this center was a real step, not only to improve the public health of Indonesia but also the competititveness of Indonesian food products. This center would be functioned as a driving force in the implementation of the policy review of the food safety through research, education, and community empowerment which was innovative and cutting-edge with a public-private partnership approach with the partner at national and international levels. This center was expected to be able to address the fundamental food safety issues. This joint-center also would play an important role as the food safety center of excellence which was the pioneer for the development of the next center of excellence at other universities.


This cooperation was motivated by a variety of food safety issues, including the many extraordinary events (KLB) of the food poisoning, which was a scourge not only in Indonesia but also in developed countries. Studies by the Agency of POM using the data of KLB of the food poisoning in 2009-2013 showed the estimated economic losses as a result of KLB of the food poisoning per year reached 2.9 trillion rupiah. The food safety became the attention of various stakeholders, so it implied for the need of the increased cooperation and the networking across sectors in the region, at national, regional, and international levels sustainably.(rf)