Two IPB Lecturers Talk about Climate Change in Fukushima, Japan

Two IPB Lecturers Talk about Climate Change in Fukushima, Japan


Two lecturers of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (SIL), Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) become speakers at the International Workshop of Climatic Changes and Evaluation of Their Effects on Agriculture in Asian Monsoon Region 6-8 March 2016 and in Fukushima Agricultural Technology Center, Japan. This activity was attended by approximately 30 participants and delegates from ASEAN countries such as Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and others. On this occasion, the Indonesian delegation was represented by lecturers of Department of SIL IPB, Prof. Dr. Budi Indra Setiawan and Dr. Chusnul Arif.


This activity aims to find solutions, adaptation and mitigation of climate change, especially in agriculture. The University of Tokyo as the organizer and host invited representatives from each of the ASEAN countries to present their research findings on climate change and their impact on agriculture.


The activities carried out for three days include field visits and oral presentations. On the first day, the entire delegation visited the village of Iitate, one of the villages quite severely affected by a nuclear radiation exposure due to the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011. During the visit, the delegates were informed of how the Japanese government undertake a remedial action for the village.


The second and third days are the session of presentation from each delegation. In the presentation, Prof. Budi talked about the results of the research entitled "Analysis of Water Availability in the Context of Local Climatic and Seasonal Changes", while Dr. Chusnul described his research results entitled "Determining Optimal Planting Calendar Based on Field Data Monitored in Saba Watershed, Bali, Indonesia". This activity resulted in an agreement to continue to collaborate in joint research in agriculture. The event ended with a discussion and closing statement given by Prof. Dr. Budi Indra Setiawan. *** (Mtd)