Four Best Graduates of IPB in December 2015 are Students of Bidikmisi (Mission Target Scholarship)

Four Best Graduates of IPB in December 2015 are Students of Bidikmisi (Mission Target Scholarship)


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) again released 800 best graduates at Graduation Stage III of the academic year 2015/2016, Wednesday (16/12) at Graha Widya Wisuda, Campus Dramaga, Bogor. Among the graduates there are nine best graduates with cumlaude from the undergraduate programs. Of the nine best graduates, four are Bidikmisi scholarship recipients.


The nine best graduates of the undergraduate programs are Dina Fitriana of Faculty of Agriculture, Irene Kosin of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mely Shara Bangun of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Ahmad Kosin of Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Fauqo Nurul Fitria of Faculty of Forestry, Norisa Adhi Tina of Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Auliansa Muhammad of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Deni Rahmawati of Faculty of Economics and Management and Veronica Yulia of Faculty of Human Ecology.


Four best graduates of Bidikmisi scholarship are Ahmad Kosin of Faculty of Animal Husbandry (GPA 3.81), Fauqo Nurul Fitria of Faculty of Forestry (GPA 3.80), Norisa Adhi Tina of Faculty of Agricultural Technology (GPA 3.88) and Deni Rahmawati of Faculty of Economics and Management (GPA 3.79).


Fauqo, familiar name for Fauqo Nurul Fitria, Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, comes from Malang, and has managed to reach his wish to study in the biggest agricultural college in Southeast Asia thanks to Bidikmisi program. The youngest of three brothers feels Bidikmisi program is very meaningful because it is a major source of funding to meet his needs during studies in college.


"I applied for Bidikmisi scholarship because after high school my father freed my next life. But I wanted to study but he could not offer to finance because he works odd jobs. This is because he is no longer young and we are indeed not a family who can afford. At that time even I enrolled to IPB without my father’s permission," he said.


The money received from Bidikmisi covers tuition fees and living expenses. The fund of 600 thousand rupiah per month is used by Fauqo to meet living expenses during college studies.


"Actually it is enough and not enough. I felt at times the money was not enough because at the moment there was a field practice or fieldtrip activity that required greater funding beyond the monthly financial plans we made. But it depends on the students who manage the fund. I often covered it up by reducing the percentage of daily expenses. And if not possible, I sometimes asked my relatives for financial assistance," said the girl who has not felt her mother’s affection since the 1st grade of primary school. Her mother died of illness. Since then, his father educate and take care of Fauqo and her siblings.


Fauqo hopes, knowing that commodity prices are rising, the Bidikmisi fund be raised. I feel sorry if there are younger students experiencing shortages, she added. 


Now, Fauqo is ready to welcome a brighter future after graduation from IPB as the best graduate of her Faculty. Accompanied by her second older brother, she was celebrating her graduation day in the Graduation Building, Dramaga campus of IPB. Congratulation Fauqo, wishing you success always open to you. (Mtd)