Students of IPB Won the 3rd Place in the National Business Plan Competition

Students of IPB Won the 3rd Place in the National Business Plan Competition


Students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) again showed their achievements in the activity of the national business plan competition. The team comprising of Apip Nurdin (BIO 49), Afif Arwani (ITP 49), and Yusrizal (Kim 48) was awarded the National Business Plan competition which was a part of Diponegoro Economic Festival (Defest) 2015. The final competition activity held by Student Executive Board (BEM), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), University of Diponegoro was held on 5-7 November 2015 in Semarang, Central Java. The theme of the event at the National Business Plan Competition of Defest 2015 was “Optimalisasi Potensi Desa Guna Mewujudkan Kemandirian Ekonomi Bangsa / Optimizing the Village Potential to Achieve the National Economic Independence”.


On this occasion, the business plan that was carried by Apip and team was the drinks of “Rhizoblend”, which was a blend of soybean and pineapple juice, as an effort to improve the rural economy based on the local products. This hard work won the third place.


Green Education Initiatives


Meanwhile, Fadhli Sofyan, one student of Department of Biology of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of IPB, got a chance to speak in the event of the project launching of Green Education Initiatives (GEI) Indonesia. The event which was held in @america, Pacific Place Mall, Central Jakarta was held on 29 October 2015.


GEI was one of the projects that won the grants of Young South East Asian Leaders Initiatives (YSEALI) of Seed for The Future in the last 2014.  YSEALI was a platform for young leaders in the ASEAN region in the initiative of movement for change among the youth initiated by the United States Government. This project had been implemented in Sagada, Philippines in the last April 2015 and would be held in Indonesia.


GEI would be implemented in Indonesia in this November in South Coast region, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Unlike the case with GEI Philippines which took the major theme about the mountainous region, GEI Indonesia more focused on the field of marine related to the biological potential which was untapped.


Besides Fadhli, also presented other speakers like Ace Mark Aniceto (Project Leader, GEI Philippines), Rida Nurafiati (Project Leader, GEI Indonesia), Bambang Sutrisno (Alumnus ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme) and Syifa Fauziyyah (Yayasan Terumbu Karang Indonesia). Students of Department of Biology accredited A by BAN PT were coming as the representatives of the movement of Biodiversity Warrior, a youth movement of the observer of biodiversity of Indonesia. This movement was initiated by Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia (YayasanKEHATI). (***