IPB Delegation was Rank 4 in Gemastik 2015

IPB Delegation was Rank 4 in Gemastik 2015


Team of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) successfully achieved the rank 4 with the acquisition of one gold medal and one silver medal in the activity of National Student Exhibition of Information Technology and Communication (Gemastik) 8, (27-28/10), in Grha Sabha Pramana, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. This activity was followed by 101 finalist teams from 26 national universities in nine contest categories. The team had been qualifier which was held in the last Juli-September with the total number reaching 3,087 participants from 166 national universities.


In the TIK competition which was the annual program of Directorate of Research and Community Service (DP2M) of DIKTI this time, IPB managed to get three teams, one team in the Category of Network Security and Information System, one team in the Category of Data Mining, and one team in the Category of Design User Experience. The contingent consisted of eight students and two faculty advisers.


After attending a series of final round, Wednesday (28/10), coinciding with Youth Oath Day, the jury announced that IPB managed to get a gold medal in the Network Security and Information System, and a silver medal in the Data Mining. With this acquisition, IPB managed to rank 4 in this Gemastik 8.***