Hundreds of IPB Professors Ready to Be the Nation’s Model

Hundreds of IPB Professors Ready to Be the Nation’s Model


The concern about some cases involving academicians of the lowest degree to the highest degree (Professor) as already reported by the media has made the Board of Professors of Bogor Agricultural University encouraged to make a commitment among professors. All IPB professors sign the commitment to maintain the noble values and academic ethics. It contains rules regarding moral values and principles that guide all of the professors in IPB.


On September 16, 2015, all full time professor of IPB declared their commitment to always provide a good example to uphold the academic ethics and culture. This is done because in the view of IPB professor, at this time there has been a phenomenon of degradation of values, norms, ethics, habits and behaviors in our life as Indonesia nation. This commitment also applies to those professors on duty outside the campus.


"What happen in Indonesiaare not only the cases already published, but there are many other cases. For example, model or exemplary professors or lecturers are involved in corruption cases. It happens in a position where they as intellectuals should be the guard of moral resilience," said Chairman of IPB Board of Professors, Prof. Dr. Roedhy Poerwanto in a press conference at the Collection Garden Cafe, Baranangsiang Campus of IPB, Bogor, on Tuesday (3/11).


Currently, he said, there are 209 fulltime professors and 21 professors of emeritus owned by IPB. "Although It does lookt very beneficial, but we view this as a moral movement expected to be as an example to other universities and to be of much benefit for Indonesia. If professors are all solid, many national problems can be solved. Do not let it happen that we are given the mandate as Professors, but could not give solutions," he said.


Hadir dalam jumpa pers ini sejumlah Guru Besar IPB, yakni Prof.Dr. Muh. Yusram M, Prof.Dr. Agus Setiadi, Prof.Dr. M. Syukur, Prof. Dr.Erika Laconi, Prof.Dr. Evi Damayanthi, dan Kepala Biro Hukum, Promosi dan Humas (HPH) IPB, Ir. Yatri Indah Kusumastuti, M.Si.(zul)


Present at the press conference were IPB professors, namely Prof. Dr. Muh. Yusram M, Prof.Dr. Agus Setiadi, Prof.Dr. M. Syukur, Prof. Dr.Erika Laconi, Prof.Dr. Evi Damayanthi, and Head of Legal, Promotion and Public Relations Office of IPB, Ir. Yatri Indah Kusumastuti, M.Sc. (Mtd)