Nutrition Fair 2015, IPB Initiated Monument of Tempeh in Klaten

Nutrition Fair 2015, IPB Initiated Monument of Tempeh in Klaten


Student Association of Nutrition Sciences (Himagizi), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) conducted a series of activities which seeked to improve the nation’s nutrition. Since the year of 2012, Himagizi had organized Nutrition Fair. The Nutrition Fair was held as the event of annual series of the nutrition activities of scientific and popular in order to increase the nutrition awareness of academics and community.


Carried the theme of “Gizi Seimbang dan Gaya Hidup Sehat Menuju Indonesia Sehat Berkualitas / Balanced Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles Towards the Qualified Healthy Indonesia”, Nutrition Fair (NF) 2015 had five series of activities, namely: NIACIN (Nutrition Seminar and Charity for Children), PHYTOSTEROL (Physical Fitness with Aerobic and Good Tasted- Culinaire Food Festival), THIAMINE COMPETITION (Think Critically to Solve Problems in Nutrition through Essay Competition), COPPER (Creative Original Public and Poster), and CRISPY COMPETITION (Creation of Special Tasty Indonesian Food Competition).


Special for Crispy Competition, Himagizi required the participants to process the raw material of tempeh to be created to become a variety of dishes. Cooking contest of breakfast menu was healthy, safe, nutritious, varied, and balanced themed of “Kreasi Masakan Indonesia yang Sehat dan Berkualitas sebagai Pemenuhan Gizi Harian / Indonesian Cuisine Creation which was Healthy and Qualified as Fulfillment of Daily Nutrition”. Located at the Rectorate Park of Campus of IPB Dramaga, Sunday (4/10), the participants who participated were students, student association of nutrition profession, student association of non-nutrition profession, food and non-food companies, nutrition and health agencies, as well as general public. 


Tempeh was one source of vegetable protein and being an important food supporting the increase of human nutrition quality of Indonesia. Some time ago, IPB intended to register tempeh as one of Indonesia’s cultural heritage to UNESCO. The activity of Nutrition Fair 2015 was also part of the campaign to succeed the step of IPB.


“In ancient times, tempeh is served as a special dish for King of Klaten. Therefore, we are as the bearers of tempeh as the Indonesian cultural heritage to UNESCO formally ‘ask permission’ to Regent of Klaten. Besides, we also plan to build the Monument of Tempeh in Klaten. Governor of Central Java fully supports this step,” said Dr. Rimbawan as Chairman of Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology of IPB.


Community support could be seen from the tempeh petition with the number of quotas that reached thousands. After getting a lot of support, IPB would register to Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of RI. (zul)