The Team of IPB for 2015 ON MIPA-PT Won Seven Medals

The Team of IPB for 2015 ON MIPA-PT Won Seven Medals


The  Team for the National Olympic of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for Universities (ON MIPA – PT) of  Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) has made successful achievement again on the 2015 ON MIPA – PT, which was  held in Pullman Hotel, Surabaya, on  24-28 May 2015. IPB sent 10 students to compete on the National Olympic  in the field of Biology and Chemistry. The team, accompanied by Mafrikhul Muttaqin M.Si, and Budi Arifin M.Si of the Department of Biology, and they won seven awards in the said annual event.


The Biology team of IPB successfully won four awards, whereas the Chemistry team took home three awards. Mashudi, student of Biology Department of Batch 48, successfully won gold medal of 2015 ON MIPA-PT in the field of Biology. The silver medal for Biology went to  Muhammad Fadhil Amin and Ekky Ilham Romadhona. The bronze for this field went to  Muhammad Umar Said Muksini. Meanwhile, Fahmi Achmad Gus of the Chemistry Team of IPB, successfully won the bronze medal. Another achievement made by the team was, both  Ruth Tresnasih and Dery Ermawan Masyudi of the  Chemistry Team of IPB were awarded Honorable Mention title of ON MIPA-PT. 


On the same occasion, the Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Rinekso Soekmadi and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA IPB), Dr. Kiagus Dahlan, accompanied IPB Team and spent several days with them to watch the competition processes and other student agendas.


The Head of Coaching Team of ON MIPA-PT for Biology, Dr. Berry Juliandi, specifically congratulated the success of the IPB Team for ON MIPA-PT. Hopefully in the near future, the IPB Team achievements will be increased. (Source berita eksternal : Dikti Web). (Wied).