IPB Student Won Scrabble Field Championship Friday, February 20, 2015

IPB Student Won Scrabble Field Championship Friday, February 20, 2015


Muhammad Rastra Teguh P, a Bath 50 student of the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) won the 3rd champion in the Scrabble Field of the 2015 Asian English Olympics. The event was organized by Binus University on 10-14 February 2015 in Jakarta.

Rastra took part the first time in the word game competition in April last year, held in the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Admitting taking several times similar events and never winning, Rastra remains optimistic and unyielding. He practices regularly and independently once a week, and for daily exercises Rastra memorizes new vocabulary. "If you have practiced regularly and done your best, you only need to trust Allah (God) – the final outcome is for God to determine," he said.

Rastra is the sole representative of IPB participating in this competition. "I do not know about the presence of a scrabble community in IPB. Hopefully with this, IPB will later also be known for its scrabble community," he said.

According to him, if such community of IPB is empowered, IPB can potentially be the best scrabble community at the national level. Compared to that of some other campuses, IPB’s regeneration is pretty good. "I hope my friends having interest in scrabble contests can take part in the championship like this. Hopefully colleagues and I can be dispatched in a similar event to be held in the University of Malaya in next April ", he hoped (Mtd)