Nutritional Expert Talks about Goat Satay at RRI Monday, September 22, 2014

Nutritional Expert Talks about Goat Satay at RRI Monday, September 22, 2014


The notion that eating goat meat can lead to high blood pressure is not always true. Even patients with hypertension or high blood pressure are still allowed to enjoy goat satay provided it is not excessive. "Yes, one or two stick is still permitted as long it is coupled with vegetables like tomatoes or cucumbers." This was conveyed Dr.Tiurna Sinaga, MFSA, a faculty member of the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, as a resource person recently in the Rural Broadcasting Program of RRI -FM 93.70.

Dr. Tiurna, who is also a culinary expert, explains, when Hari Raya Idhul Adha comes, goat meat can be cooked to taste differently like soup, stew, or satay. For those who like satay, Dr.Tiurna, also a lecturer from North Sumatra, give a secret recipe of cooking goat satay, making it tender quickly and tasty.

Here's the recipe of goat satay suggested by Dr.Tiurna. First, prepare a kilo of goat meat cut into dices. The meat does not need to be washed if in the process of cutting is correct and with clean handling. Then prepare as much as 200 ml of soy sauce, grated pineapple of 100 grams or approximately one-quarter the medium size pineapple.

How to Make it.  Mix soy sauce and grated pineapple, puncture goat meat with a bamboo stick. To make it tasty, the chain of meat should be interspersed with fat meat. One stick is enough of five pieces of meat, do not make them too tight and too many as this will affect the cooking process. Submerge the meat in a mixture of soy sauce and grated pineapple for 5 minutes. Pineapple will make the meat tender faster because pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain.

If there is no pineapple, papaya leaves can replace it. The trick is the goat meat is wrapped in papaya leaves and allowed to stand for 20 minutes. Papaya leaves will make the meat tenderer because the leaves contain the enzyme papain.

When the preparations are finished, the meat is ready to burn. During the baking, baste satay with the remaining seasoning by turning it over. Do this two to three times until satay is well cooked. Then, serve with soy sauce or peanut sauce to taste. (Mtd)