Expert of IPB Talked about Monorail in Metro TV

Expert of IPB Talked about Monorail in Metro TV


Construction of monorail in Jakarta assessed by the expert of Resource Economics and Environment of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Dr Aceng Hidayat, was the exact answer in parsing the traffic congestion in the nation’s capital. According to him, the situation of traffic in Jakarta at the moment had already been very crowded it took the means of transportation which is in the bulk. It was said also with Jakarta Monorel it was quite effective to reduce the inflow of the vehicle from outside Jakarta.


Dr Aceng Hidayat conveyed the matter in the Interactive Dialogue titled Monorel: Peluang, Tantangan dan Masa Depan /  Monorail: Opportunities, Challenges and Future in Metro TV, which appeared on Thursday (17/4) at 10.05-10.30 WIB. The event guided by the presenter Gadiza Fauzi also presented President Director of PT Jakarta Monorel, John Aryananda, and Consultant of Bappenas, Lukas Hutagalung.


From the technical and environmental sides, the development of this monorail was also assessed by Dr Aceng as very good, because it did not require the land acquisition. Likewise from the business side, he assessed the development of this monorail was the big opportunity for the investment. “Do not be afraid to lose. From the business side, this project is very potential. In which the demand and the acceptability of community will be the transportation which is comfortable, safe and having a certainty when they arrive and depart so they look forward to. Monorail becomes the answer for that,” said Chairman of Department of Resource Economics and Environment Faculty of Economy and Management of IPB.


Further Dr Aceng said, the impact of multiple of the monorail also can directly be felt, i.e. to facilitate the flow of mobility and the economic activity in Jakarta. Besides that, with the reduction in private vehicle also would save the Fuel Oil (BBM). “Certainly this monorail can decrease the environmental pollution due to the vehicle pollution, reduce the stress level because there is no longer traffic jam, and increase the happiness because it will be much time to be in the family,” concluded Dr. Aceng. (nm)