Dept. of ITK – FPIK of IPB Organized The Training Course on Coral Reef Monitoring

Dept. of ITK – FPIK of IPB Organized The Training Course on Coral Reef Monitoring

Serang District of Banten Province has a vast of coastal and marine areas. Coral reefs in the Gulf of Banten, Serang, is one of the important ecosystems in the said area. Therefore, the Department of Marine Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University (Dept.ITK – FPIK of IPB) through its Scientific Submarine Laboratory (Scientific Diving Laboratory), Marine Hydrobiological Section, in collaboration with the Department of Marine, Fisheries, Energy and Minerals Resources (DKPESDM), Serang had organized the Training Course on Certification of coral reef monitoring. This activity was held on 19-22 November 2013,  in Pulau Tunda, Serang Regency, Banten.
The training course was participated by staff of the DPKESDM of Serang, and also local residents of the Pulau Tunda. The course materials consisted of awareness, coral reefs observation methods, and inventory methods for coral reefs threats. "The Training Course was planned by Serang District, to improve the professional performance of human resources for marine field," said Munaroh, Section Head of Conservation, Exploration, Exploitation of Small Islands, DKPESDM Serang.
"Training and certification on reef monitoring is one of the excellent programs planned by  Dept. of ITK IPB. Currently we are in the process of developing modules and methods of Training Course Programs that are easily acceptable and implemented for coral reefs monitoring. Likewise, we expect many more parties will adopt them, "said the Head of Scientific Diving Laboratory, Dept. of ITK IPB, Beginer Subhan, S. Pi, M.Sc. "In general, the participants comprehend the material well, but they are expected to have more practical works, especially in data collecting and diving techniques, "says Dondy Arafat one of the resource persons in the training course. (Wied).