Bangli Regency Ready to Benefit from Regional Scholarship

Bangli Regency Ready to Benefit from Regional Scholarship


Rector of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto encourages Bangli Regency Government, Province of Bali to take advantage of the IPB Student Admission channel through the Regional Representative Scholarship (BUD). "Outstanding students are recommeded by local governments to study in IPB. Certainly it is on the condition that after graduation they have to return to their home area and build Bangli," said Rector in the visit of Bangli Regency, Wednesday (4/12), to Darmaga Campus of IPB  in Bogor.

In response, Bangli Regent I Made Gianyar, SH, M. Hum, is ready to send his regional youths  to IPB.  I Made admits that Bangli is currently experiencing a lack of human resources (HR) in agriculture. "We lost such generation," he said briefly.

The Bangli Regency’s visit is a follow-up to the cooperation agreement signed earlier in Bangli. On this occasion, Bangli Regent I Made Gianyar, SH, M. Hum, was accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the Local Parliament, Chief of Police Resort,  Kasdim, and other local government staff. Meanwhile Rector of IPB was accompanied by the Head of Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB, Dr. Prastowo, Vice Head of LPPM IPB for Community Service Division, Dr. Hartayo and a number of IPB researchers.

After the welcome by Rector of IPB, the group made a field visit to the Agribusiness Development Center (ADC) and a cattle farm in Tegal Waru, Ciampea. Previously they listened to the presentation by Head of Research Center for Tropical Horticulture (PKHT) LPPM IPB, Dr. Darda Efendi and researchers of the Plant Clinic, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB, Dr. Widodo. (Mtd)