Another Friday Tour to Margajaya Village

Another Friday Tour to Margajaya Village



Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM), Bogor Agricultural University on Friday held another Friday tour or often known as Jumling. On 7 September 2012. Jumling afternoon was held at Posdaya Pondok Bunda Syahir, Margajaya Village, West Bogor. Group of IPB was led by the Deputy Head of Community Services Institute of Research and Community Services (LPPM) IPB, Dr. Ir. Prastowo, M. Eng. 

 It is a blessing for us to meet IPBmentors who  have assisted the development of  Posdaya Bunda Syahir, as the university’ community services. IPB has been helping us in empowering communities, especially in the field Posdaya.  As their real expression, at this special occasion the University donated funds for orphans "said Sahid, the Secretary of Margajaya village. 

In his remarks, Dr. Ir. Prastowo, M. Eng said, "This jumling program is carried by IPB to develop partnership with the less fortune communities around the campus, that’s why we named it community empowerment program". 

At this meeting,  Dr. Ir. Prastowo, M. Eng also stressed "Of the many activities we planned, some of which should be pushed to be more intensive and better. First, Posdaya development activities. It is expected that such program could be developed later, to enable  more people benefited especially the communities which are really need the empowerment program.  Second, early childhood education program (PAUD), it should be intensified in future, of course it should be  through the participation of the teachers and students ". (Wied).