Because Goats I Take IPB

Because Goats I Take IPB


Because Goats I Take IPB
Hevirona Bani Adam
(Department of  Livestock Production Technology)
On 18 May 2011 I was informed that I passed the selection process for SNMPTN invitation, and  my application for admission to Bogor Agricultutral University on Livestock Production Technology  was accepted.  I was so happy, that I was unable to express a single word. My parents embraced  me, my brother with  his cool style but full of affection congratulated me as well. Of course, I did not  forget to thank  God as I believe that it is only by His grace that I was accepted and  would pursue my study  at my  first choice of  SNMPTN invitation system.

There were a lot constraints and I was so embarrased to convince my choice. At the beginning, when I asked permission from our parents to pursue my advance study at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Bogor Agricultural University, they frightened and  responded cooly. They thought that I played truent to decide my future. It was really  unexpected, as I keen on painting and sports, then sudden I changed direction to plunge myself into farming. I don’t have any farming  blood on me, as I was born in the  artist family.  I decided to leave the Faculty of  Fine Arts and Design of  Bandung Intitue of Technology (ITB), which was the University I dreamt for.

I responded the shocks caused by  teachers and friends of my school  with a big smile. It’s natural, as I was student of  SMAN 70 Jakarta, a school noted as one of the favourite  high schools in Jakarta, and usually students’ of this school are easily accepted by prestigious universities in Indonesia such as University of Indonesia, ITB, or Gadjah Mada University. How about Bogor Agricultural University, is it bad university?, No! This University is one of the most prominent universities in Indonesia, the University that does not that rely on its mere prestige. In terms of learning process, the campus’ environment, its faculty members, its seniors and others, the University is deserved to be classified as the model university in Indonesia.

I always imagine how happy I would be that I am studying at Bogor Agricultural University. I will not learn the theory, as well as morals. I will learn how to train my mental  and  the organization  without any  discrimination from senior to junior. Learning at the appropriate and  friendly environment. I will be able to make friends with other people from all over Indonesia, and even from abroad.

And the most  interesting subject of  Bogor Agricultural University that attract me to study at this University is the entrepreneurship. This subject is given  since freshman arriving at this green campus. The reasons that I decided to take the Department of Livestock Production Technology with a lot decisions, not  as less students interested in  this Departmet, therfore I would be easily accepted by the University. I take this University  because I want to be a successful breeder in Indonesia, the country I love and admire its natural beauty.

I would like to expand my wings into the animal husbandry world, particularly goat  farming. As I understand that its meat is tasteful and higly nutritious, and for Moslems, goats are domestic animals that are good for qurban and charity. In addition, it produces good quality leather for  various types of products such as drum, clothing, handicrafts, and if they are processed carefully they will become  luxury goods with high value. Moreover, its milk is  also nutritive, it’s good for health and to  cure of various diseases. Its milk is higly demanded by  a lot of people though the price is usually higher than other dairy milk products. These advantages has attracted me to farm such animals, nevertheless, I don’t want to stick on goat but I will try to get other opportunities to farm other livestocks for my future business.

I have never thought to establish farming industry abroad, before I initiate farming in our own country. We should utilize our own land well as possible. Indonesia is a large country with plenty of  fertile lands, it is therefore  Indonesia is suitable place for  breeding cattle. Why we should  look for farming site abroad,  if our own country is superior farming ground. Even plenty of foreigners,  from East and West, they are keen to control our lands. Here at Bogor Agricultural University, we are taught to love Indonesia. The University is a place for people who love its country and will fight to protect it. Thus, my decision to pursue advance study   at Bogor Agricultural University is really the right choice, as the University will teach me gear  my mission to develop Indonesian products, especially goat farming in the supportive  environment.

Indonesia is full of qualified human resources, unfortunately job opportunities are so narrow, that cause  a lot of people migrate to the other country to work. By studying entrepreneurship at the University, I want to generate employment in Indonesia. Improve the welfare of the villagers who never experience the welfare provided by government, and also to utilize idle lands for villagers.

I extremely hope that I will be able to develop myself, and other Indonesians  as well. I am confident that Bogor Agricultural University is truthful University for its students to achieve its goals. (Wied).