Margajaya Friday: Develop Household Products

Margajaya Friday: Develop Household Products


Dozens of housewives from the Sub-district of Margajaya, Bogor gave testimonies in the Friday Tour of LPPM IPB (27/5). After receiving assistance from IPB and at this occasion they told about their success in making products such as nuggets, shell crackers, skin crackers, and others.

In addition to the success stories, the women representative also mentioned several obstacles in making nuggets such as inappropriate mixing formula. However, the business group of shell cracker is considered to be better because its product is ready to sell and has received the code number of PIRT (home industrial products)

"Sometimes we made the mixture too thin or too thick, but now we think we’ve found the right formula. With the initial capital of about one million, in some sales we always had loss or got a break-even point. Apparently, we sold the product too cheaply although it quality is equal to the one in the market," she said.

To improve the quality of nuggets, IPB through the Vice Dean of Animal Husbandry Faculty, Dr. M. Yamin and Vice Chief of LPPM for the Division of Community Services, Dr. Prastowo gave a meat grinder or chopper. In his speech, M. Yamin was impressed with the efforts of Margajaya community in developing products which was previously based on the recipe they got from IPB. This activity of housewife empowerment, he said, is effective in reducing unemployment.

"I am impressed by the creativity of Margajaya people who can modify the recipe, and so it has its own characteristic and specialty. I suggest mothers have several products with different levels of quality (different protein content for each level), make an interesting product name, not use illegal substances and most importantly, business can run but households must also remain in harmony," he said . (Mtd)