Animo to Bogor Agricultural University Increased into 63%

Animo to Bogor Agricultural University Increased into 63%


Rector of Bogor Agricultural University, Prof.Dr.Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto M.Sc is proud to say that in 2011 high school students who apply for admission to Bogor Agricultural Universaity has increased rapidly. Due to the intensive campaign carried out by the University,  applicants to be admitted to Bogor Agricultural University has  increased by 63% compare to the number of previous year.

 “As the result of the Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SNMPTN (National Selection for State-owned University) 2011,  particulalry the acceptance through Special Invitation System (USMI),  17,205 (seventeen thousand two hundred five) candidates were registered to take Bogor Agricultural  University as their 1st and 2nd choices. As compare to the  number of candidates who were selected through USMI  of the prevous year 2010, the number were 9448 (nine thousand four hundred and fourty eight) candidates. Whereas, candidates who were registered for admission through SNMPTN, particculalry through written and special skill test in 2011 up to  24 May 2011 at 16.30 pm the total number  were 14.229 (fourteen thousand two hundred twenty nine) candidates. The candidates for similar system on 2010, was only  8.708 (eight thousand seven hundred eight) candiates. Thus, there were sharp increase of about 63% (sixty three percent)  if comparred to the total number of candidates of students accepted through SNMPTN  in the previous year" he stated when he delivered valedictory to hundreds of Phase IV students graduating  in this 23 May 2011 at Graha Widya Graduation IPB.

On this occasion, Rector stated that to improve the quality of prospective students who are being admitted to the University, a very intensive campaign was required to attract prospective students from all over Indonesia. For such purposes, Bogor Agricultural University has approached the  targeted the school principal, teachers, students and the wider community throughout Indonesia from Sumatra, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua

“Alhamdulillah, with the strong support of deans, directors and faculty members, as well as the Student Organizations of their Origin (OMDA), this activity was well-implemented" he added. (Wied).

Bogor Agriocultural University Graduation Day

Again Bogor Agricultural University  produced graduate students who are qualified human resources that are ready to assist to develop the agricultural sector in various fields. At this Phase IV graduation, the University has awarded the certificates for 800 (eight hundred) graduates, consisted of 38 (thirty eight) for Doctoral degree holders (S3), 109 (hundred nine) for Master degree holders, 32 (thirty two) for Master degree holders in Management,  10 (ten) for Masters degree holders for Professional, 2 (two) for Master of Science, and 609 (six hundred nine) for the undergraduates. The garduates at this Phase IV graduation were  from the nine faculties. In addition, under the Dirctorate of Diploma Program currently Bogor Agricultural University runs  14 (fourteen) special subjects, but the graduation of Directorate of the Diploma Program is being held separately.

Of 609 undergraduate degree programs, the best graduate of the university level was  Ruhiyat, from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, with the highest GPA of 3.98 and he was declared to be Cum Laude. The best graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture was  Andhika Galina Adi Nugroho, of the Landscape Architecture Program, with GPA of 3.58, was declared to be  Cum Laude. The best graduates from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was Novi Tandria, with a GPA of 3.57,  was declared to be  Very Satisfactory graduate. The best graduates of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences was  Jasmadi of Department of Technology and Management of Aquaculture, with a GPA of 3.64 and declared to be Very Satisfactory. The best graduates from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry was Priscilla Lisnawati of Department of Animal Production Technology, with GPA of 3.90 and declared to be Cum Laude. The best graduates from the Faculty of Forestry is Afroh Mansur of Forest Resources Conservation Studies Program and ecotourism, with GPA of  3.76 and declared to be Cum Laude. The best graduates from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology was  Eka Pratama Puspita of Department of Agroindustrial Technology, with GPA of 3.59 and declared to be Cum Laude. The best graduates from the Faculty of Economics and Management was Achmad Fadillah, of Department of  Agribusiness, with GPA of 3.78 and declared to be Cum Laude. The best graduates from the Faculty of Human Ecology was  Wulandari of Department of Nutritional Science, with GPA of  3.68 and declared to be Cum Laude.

For  the graduate program, the best graduates for doctoral degree program was Mr. Suharjito of Agroindustrial Technology Study Program, with a GPA of 4:00 and within 41-month of the study period, his dissertation on " Pemodelan Sistem Pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Cerdas Manajemen Risiko Produk/Komoditi Jagung (Modeling Intelligent Decision Support System for Risk Management Product / Commodity Corn)" under the supervision of  Prof. Dr. Ir. Marimin, MSc, Dr. Ir. Machfud, MS, Dr. Ir. Bambang Hary, MSI, and Dr. Ir. Sukardi, MM. For the Masteral degree program,  the best graduate was Ms. Rahmi Solihat of the Biophysics study program, with GPA 3.90 and within 17-month study period. For the Masteral degree  in Management and Business program, the best graduates was Ms. Ika Arsianti Dewi,  with a GPA of 3.96 and 19-month study period. For the Masters degree program of Professional, the best graduate was Ms. Elok Ilunanwati of masters programs on professional for Food Security Management,  with 3.96 GPA and within 29-month of study period. (Wied)