TIPPO of IPB Has Produced Organic Fertilizer

TIPPO of IPB Has Produced Organic Fertilizer


As the formulization of the programs planned by PHKI IPB (2008 – 2010), this year PHKI  has initiated to establish a Center  for Teaching Organic Fertilizer Processing Industry Bogor Agricultural University (TIPPO – IPB), which is  located in the Cikabayan Farming Garden, Dramaga Campus. TIPPO was established to support the Directorate of Facilities and Property and the University Farm IPB, especially to produce the organic agriculture as well as a training center for students who are interested to develop organic fertilizer.

TIPPO is managed by a team consisted of Board of Advisory and Board of Management. The chairman of the Board of Advisory (BoA) is a Prof. Dr. Ir. Yonny Koesmaryono, MS (Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs), secretary Dr. Anas D. Susila (Head of the University Farm), with members of the Advisory Boards are,  Dr. Erizal Rangkayo Basa (Director of Facilities and Property), Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Susanto, M . Sc. (PHKI Chairman), Dr. Agus Purwito (Chairman of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture), Dr. Desrial (Chairman of the Department of Biosistem Technology), Prof. Dr. Cece Sumantri (Chairman of the Department of IPTP), Dr. Jono Munandar (Chairman of the Department of Management ), Dr. Syaiful Anwar (Chairman of the Department of Soil Science and Resources).

At present, the Board of Management is chaired by Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Susanto, MSc. with the Operations Manager, Mr. M. Joni, Supervisor of raw materials / logistics, Mr. Amin (Dit. Faspro), Production Supervisor / Security twisting (University Farm) and Coordinator of Development Team, Dr. Sugiyanta. In the execution of the  daily activities they are assisted by 4 employees. Expenses for the testing of processing machine and the  stabilization of operations  of TIPPO IPB, up to March 2011 it ws  funded by PHKI IPB. Then, from April to the present operations, it has been funded by Department of Agribusiness Faculy of Economics and Management Bogor Agricultural University. In March, TIPPO produced  1.5 tons of  organic fertilizer, in April produced 6.5 tons,  and is targeted to produce  10-20 tons / month. At the being, the raw materials are supplied by the slaughterhouse and the garbages  collected from the University campus. This fertilizer product meets the standards and the Ministry of Agriculture and is currently utilized by students, faculty and community as well as agricultural entrepreneurs. TIPPO development team is currently developing an organic fertilizer and grains plus liquid organic fertilizer. (Wied).