The Silaturrahim of 2011 Outstanding Students with Journalists

The Silaturrahim of 2011 Outstanding Students with Journalists


In the series to commemorate the National Education Day 2011, Bogor Agricultural University planned some activities, one of which was for the 2011 Outstanding Students. This year such activity was formulized in "The Silaturrahim of Outstanding Students with Journalists", on Tuesday, 3 May 2011, on Baranangsiang Campus.

A total of 72 (seventy two) outstanding students period August 2010 to 2 May 2011, met with at least 30 (thirty) journalists from various media, both print and electronic. Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto, M.Sc., Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Yonny Koesmaryono, Student Affairs Director, Dr. Rimbawan, and Head of Public Relations and Protocol, Ir. Henny Windarti, M.Sc., were in the official gathering.

Rector in his remarks expressed his appreciation to the outstanding students who made the University famous as well as proud of. "Year by year, the achievements made by students have increased and varied, ranging from academic achievement to talents. Keep on working to maintain the achievements and fight for deeper level. As the future leadership is in the hands of the pressent the generation, the scientists, and innovators, "said Rector.

While for journalists who have been partners for the University, Rector hopes that they continue to color or write cheerful news and always optimistic. Information disseminated to the public, Rector said, should be a lesson for all members of the society.

Meanwhile, one of the outstanding students, Annie Hasanah, stated that to be outstanding students are not as easy as turning our hands, we need guidances from various people. "Alhamdulillah, the University provided full support. I and all students are living in a positive environment, thus we have successfully achieved high performance. Anyway, the University has provided representative life for students to develo, "said Annie, a student who was selected to be crowned as the Bayer Young Environmental Envoy 2010. (Wied).