The Holy Qur’an Reciting Competition of IPB Students Held Again

The Holy Qur’an Reciting Competition of IPB Students Held Again


The Holy Qur’an Reciting Competition (MTQ) of IPB Students was held again in the Darmaga Campus of IPB, Friday to Saturday (22-23/4). 345 students participated in the MTQ, with 11 branches of contests.

The 11 branches are  Tilawatil Quran, Tartilil Quran, Hifdzil Quran of one juz, Hifdzil Quran of 2 juz, Khottilil Quran, Fahmil Quran, Syarhil Quran, Qiro’at Sab’ah, Scientific Writings of Al-Quran, Debate of al-Quran Content in Arabic and Debate of al-Quran Content in English.

The opening ceremony took place at the Auditorium of Andi Hakim Nasution,  attended among others by the Vice Rector for Business and Communications Dr. Arif Imam Suroso; Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Rimbawan; Head of Sub-Directorate of Interests, Talents and Reasoning , Bambang Riyanto, S. Pi, M. Si, and a number of juries.

The competition, the fifth held at IPB, was initiated by the Directorate of Student Affairs IPB to encourage all students to love the Qur’an.

Chairman of Organizing Committee, Ustadz Hamzah, M.Sc., explains that the MTQ at the IPB level is also one of activities in the selection of MTQ team of IPB to enter the National MTQ of Students in Makassar, July 2011.

Vice Rector for Business and Communication IPB, Dr. Arif Imam Suroso, in his speech said, this Musabaqoh  or competition is expected to become a vehicle for students to love the Qur’an and Allah Subkhanallohu wata’ala. Thus, he continued, the participants should not be tempted to simply become a winner and get the trophy.

"However, all would become champions in the presence of Allah Subkhanallohu wata’ala. Therefore, Compete for good deeds while observing the prescribed attitude of reciting al-Quran”, said Dr. Arif. (mtd)