Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedarmadi H, Was Reelected as Chairman of P3 IPB

Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedarmadi H, Was Reelected as Chairman of P3 IPB


Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedarmadi, was re-elected to be the Chairman of the Society of Retired Employees (P3) of IPB, for the period 2011-2014. He was re-elected by the Council Meeting of  P3 IPB, at the Hall of Faculty of Fishereis and Marine Sciences, on 23 May 2011, in Bogor.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedarmadi H, successfully gathered 77 votes, to exceed the other candidates Prof. Dr. Ir. Kurnia Sofyan and Prof. Dr. Ir. Kuntjoro.

After re-elected as the chairman, Prof. Soedarmadi stated that he  planned to carry-out the retrospective un-implemented programs. "We think that the most important is the communication, meeting each other hanging around together," he said.

He said he planned to implement programs which were considered less important, and will revise the rest. However, in his evaluation there were also productive programs which were well-implemented, one of which was entrepreneurship program. Some members of this society are considered capable of establishing  their own business, though they still have  constraints in marketing as well as promoting their products.  (Wied)