Posdaya, has Produced Kartini Empowerment

Posdaya, has Produced Kartini Empowerment


Asnawati and Ela Badriyah, are two middle-aged women, who served as a model of empowerment’ Kartini today. Both of them were selected by the Center for Human Resource Development (P2SDM) Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Bogor Agricultural University as the resource persons in the afternoon Dialogue at RRI Bogor, on Tuesday, 19  April 2011.

Asnawati is the cadre of Post Family Empowerment (Posdaya) Kenanga, Kelurahan Situ Gede, while Ela Badriyah is the cadre of Posdaya Bina Sejahtera, Kelurahan Pasir Mulya,  Western  Bogor District.

Researcher of P2SDM LPPM IPB, Ir. Mintarti, M.Sc., who accompanied these two women stated that both women were  considered to have successfully shared their  skills to their milliu. Asnawati has succeeded in turning the wheels of the economy especially the women  around the neighborhood, through the Wanita Tani Sawargi which has successfully processed  taro  into various snacks that go international.

The dodol and taro chips, for example, they have been exhibited  at home and abroad. Even for some employees of CIFOR (a center for  international forestry research which is located in Situ Gede), particularly those who are from the Netherlands,  these  two type of snacks are supposed to be the compulsory gifts to be brought home.

While Ela Badriyah, is the pioneer for the establishment of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) for her milliu. With high spirit as the capital, in the mid of 2008, Ela started her early childhood education with ten students who come from poor families. Until now at least 50 children were successfully persuaded  to participate in her  early childhood educational program. I used the garage for the implementation of this early childhood program," Ela said during a dialogue session which was hosted H. Mukhlis Abdilla, senior presenter RRI Bogor.

Ir. Mintarti, M.Sc., at the end of the dialogue stressed that the real role of women  is when they have successfully imporved the quality of family and community quality by her ability. (Wied)