New Book “Loyalitas Pelanggan Jasa” by IPB Press

New Book “Loyalitas Pelanggan Jasa” by IPB Press


IPB Press, the publishing house owned by Bogor Agfricultural University has released a new book on "Customer Loyalty Services: Case Study of How Hospitals Manage the Loyalty of its Customers" written by Supriyadi Setiawan. In the Seminar and book release, the Director of IPB Press, Dr. Elang Ilik and Supriyadi Setiawan launched the new book in the Mahogany Room, Gunung Gede campus, on 5 May 2011. 

The most promising business is classified into 3 (three) groups: 1. Health; 2. Education; and 3. Food. Building a new hospital will require very capital and technology intensive, stiff regulations, and solid human resources. But many investors interested in establishing hospitals as they just think of profits.

As a professional in the hospital business since 2004, alumni of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, who experienced as a Director of Bogor Medical Center (BMC), he was motivated to write a book on customer loyalty. According to the Director of PT. Medikakarya, up to now very few references related to the loyalty of customer services available. Therefore, Mr. Supriyadi hopes that the book will add to the list of the references on the subject field, especially on the hospital customers loyalty.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M. Sc, Professor on Consumer Behavior of Business Management of Family and Consumer of School for the Graduate Studies of Faculty of Human Ecology Bogor Agricultural University was invited as the reviewer.

Indonesia’s health services industry is facing competition from neighboring countries, especially Malaysia and Singapore. Thousands of upper-class Indonesian consumers went to Malaysia and Singapore to get better health care. What wrong with the hospitals business in Indonesia? Many factors have caused upper-class customers went abroad to get health care, one of which is the patient or customer satisfaction.

According to Prof. Ujang, this book provides solutions as how the practitioners should serve their patients as best as they could, to make the Indonesian health industry to be the first choice of the Indonesian patients or consumers. This book was repackaged in the popular language, to enable ordinary people, even those who have never undertake marketing or consumer behavior won’t find difficulty to understand it. In addition, the book discusses the theory as how to provide quality services to maintain and improve customer satisfaction to make customers loyal, "he said (Wied)