Legislators of Bogor Regency Appreciates Bogor Agricultural University

Legislators of Bogor Regency Appreciates Bogor Agricultural University


Post Family Empowerment (Posdaya) Benteng Harapan, of Kampung Gunung Leutik, Benteng village, Ciampea District, has completed the potential they own by the inauguration of a saung for the joint Posdaya secretariat, on Wednesday, 27 April 2011. The inauguration was officially opened by Ir. Yannefri Bakhtiar, M.Sc., of the Center for Human Resource Development (P2SDM) LPPM IPB, as the senior trainer of Posdaya. 

On the occasion Ir. Yannefri, M.Sc., invited Camat (district leadeer) Ciampea, village leader of Benteng Village, Youth representatives, Fokusmaker, and Mr. Hasan Abe, legislator of Bogor Regency House Reprentatives to congratulate Mr. Saefudin, as the Chairman of Posdaya Benteng Harapan. This reception marked the official opening of Posdaya Joint Secretariat.

"We deserved pride, on this occasion all elements of ABGC, academicians, businessmen, governance, and community attended. Hopefully the Posdaya development will be better. For Bogor Agricultural University as academicians, today activity is one of implementation Tri Darma Universities, "said Ir. Yannefri.

In the same place, Mr. Hasan Abe expressed his appreciation and gratitude to University community, which has successfully assisted for the development of the surrounding community, especially for those whose economic status are weak, and home industry as well. "We know that poverty is the result of the potential of the community which are not well-developed. It is expected, that through Posdaya their potentialities hopefully will be developed more advance, "Hasan Abe said.

Sunda Degung was performed in the event, was officially closed handed over nutritious garden seeds, namely chilli, tomatoes and eggplant to 750 families’ head, as well as cash crops such as sengon, jabon and teak for local farmers. (Wied)