Visit of US Vice Minister of Agriculture to Seafast Center of IPB

Visit of US Vice Minister of Agriculture to Seafast Center of IPB


The United States’ Vice Minister of Agriculture Michael T Scuse and team, 7/4, visited the facility of Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (Seafast) Center in the Darmaga Campus of IPB Bogor. During the visit, the delegation was greeted by IPB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, MSc, accompanied by Head of SEFAST Center, Prof. Dr. Ir Purwiyatno Hariyadi Msc.

Michael said, the visit to one of the research centers in IPB is to look at various research facilities available. Head of IPB SEAFAST Center, Prof. Purwiyatno Hariyadi explained that with the visit of U.S. Vice-Minister of Agriculture, better cooperation will be explored. "In the future more assistance is needed with capacity building, transfer or exchange of student researchers between the agricultural universities of both countries, and others, " he said.

Meanwhile, the Rector of IPB Prof. Herry Suhardiyanto said, with the visit IPB is driven to accelerate internationalization. "We are very grateful that many people give recognition to IPB. We will study the possibility of further cooperation with the US," said Rector. According to him, the existing cooperation has so far shown very satisfactory performance, among others two years in a row IPB students won the world championship of food technology competition.

On the occasion, Dr. Siti Amanah (Vice Head of the Center for Agriculture and Rural Development Studies IPB), who is also an expert in Development Extension and Gender, presented the topic of Agriculture and Rural Development with the focus on the description of the Role of Women in Agriculture and Rural Development. (Mtd)