Governor of West Java: Agricultural Sector Attracts Youth

Governor of West Java: Agricultural Sector Attracts Youth


West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan expressed his optimism for the revival of agriculture in West Java in the closing of the Young Farmers Festival of Indonesia (Pestani), Saturday (9 / 4) in Darmaga Campus of IPB. "I am proud that the agricultural sector is of interest to the youth. This is evident from the many youth participating in Pestani. So far I have been worried that farming is less favored by young people of West Java. Without those who are seriously engaged in the agricultural profession, how can we meet our national need for food?," said Heryawan. In West Java alone it is common that agriculture has always become the foundation of the community economy. Many people could go for the pilgrimage due to their seriousness with agriculture, for example there are often the attributes of a catfish pilgrimage, a corn a pilgrimage and so on. 

In this Pestani activity, Heryawan hopes IPB shares a variety of skills, knowledge and agricultural technology that can enhance the ability of farmers. He advises that the Province of West Java and Banten be mutually synergistic and not patronize each other because, he said, West Java and Banten are siblings. Both provinces are so far making efforts in their working programs to improve agricultural productivity for the welfare of farmers. Heryawan cited the problems faced by farmers in West Java, that is, related to the needs of irrigation water and excellent seeds. "I hope these two issues can be resolved in 2012," said Heryawan.

Rector of IPB, Prof. Herry Suhardiyanto appreciates this Pestani activity. "IPB with all its potential supports the activities of Pestani, and together with the government, strives to improve the people’s welfare," said Rector.

Commander III/Siliwangi Maj. Gen. Moeldoko hopes with this Pestani agriculture could improve. "Most important is the follow-up of this activity with the construction of agricultural infrastructure," said Moeldoko. Pestani was closed with the submission of a symbolic certificate to the participants and papaya resulting from IPB researcher’s work to the military commander. (Mtd)