Evening Dialogue: Temulawak (a type of ginger), Icon of Indonesian Herbal Medicine

Evening Dialogue: Temulawak (a type of ginger), Icon of Indonesian Herbal Medicine


While Korea has ginseng, Indonesia has Temulawak, a kind of ginger, too. This plant is native to Indonesia (Setiawan, 2000). Its spread is limited only in Java, Maluku and Kalimantan.

According to a group of herbal medicine entrepreneurs, temulawak is the main ingredient commonly used in making as herbal medicines. "We want to have one that stands out, our herbal medicines are very diverse but why they are less popular; whereas based on the research, temulawak is not less in quality than ginseng," says Dr. Drh. Min Rahminiwati, M.Si and Siti Sadiah, experts on herbal medicine from the Study Center of Biofarmka IPB as the resource persons in Evening Dialogue of RRI.

Now, people begin to believe in herbal medicines, but more in the imported ones. Our inherited plants are many, but not raised or less popular than Chinese products because, in terms of documentation, China is more consistent. China, while developing conventional treatment, does not abandon the traditional treatment.

Then how to help accelerate the public mindset towards the traditional medicines? These traditional medicines (made from herbs) are certainly unable to heal instantly like conventional medicines, but the traditional medicine has the advantage of active metabolite as the source for the regeneration of damaged cells.

"In addition, conventional medicines have side effects. Although some herbal medications have similar effect, they have less compared with conventional medicine," he said.

However, he says, we should be cautious as many herbal remedies are now mixed with chemicals, which is dangerous. It is easy to identify; if after one drink of herbal, your body already feels healthy, then the possibility is that the herbal medicine has been mixed with chemicals. (Mtd)