Center for Women’s Studies Organized Workshop on Home Industry

Center for Women’s Studies Organized Workshop on Home Industry


The women entrepreneurs on  home industry  of villages around Darmaga campus, attended a workshop organized by the Division for Women’s Studies Program (PSW) of Center for Agriculture and Rural Development Studies (PSP3) of the Institute of Research and Community Empowerment (LPPM) of IPB, at Hotel Salak, Bogor, on Monday, 11 April 2011. The theme of the Workshop was "The Development of Home Industry: From the Perspective of Women Entrepreneurs on Home Business", and it was jointly funded by   Division for Women’s Studies Program (PSW) of Center for Agriculture and Rural Development Studies (PSP3) of the Institute of Research and Community Empowerment (LPPM) of IPB and State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection (KPP-PA) RI.

Participants of the Workshop among others were Mrs. Resni, businesswoman on  nutmeg candy from the Dramaga village, Mrs. Onasih, businesswoman on chips from Neglasari,  Mrs. Norma,  businesswoman on yam flour from Cikarawang village, and Mrs.  Momoy, businesswoman on traditional cake from Benteng Village.

The Chief of Division for Women’s Studies Program (PSW) of Center for Agriculture and Rural Development Studies (PSP3) of the Institute of Research and Community Empowerment (LPPM) of IPB, Dr. Titik Sumarti, in her address stated that business entrepreneur in Indonesia is still under two percent of the total population, 0.1 percent out of those number  are  female entrepreneurs.

"Businesses that are managed by women represent 60 percent of some 30 million SMEs in Indonesia. SMEs, especially micro-enterprises have become the gate for women to participate in Indonesia’s economic activities, "explained Dr. Titik.

Further, Dr. Titik revealed case studies of women entrepreneurs on home industry in Bogor Regency that became issues, namely the unstable of newly born businesswomen,  who frequently changing their business, usually among grassroot family.

In this event,  Ir. Melly Latifah, M.Si.,  explained the study she has implemented. In her study she revealed the  psychosocial aspects of women entrepreneurs on home industry. The study was based on socio-demographic and  the psychosocial characteristics of study subjects,  the psychosocial characteristics by age group, education level and family size, psychosocial characteristics by type of business, as well as psychosocial characteristics based on the level of business development.

The second issues is the simple business, which is relatively stable, though usually this business has been run they do not have the capital to expand. The business has a slight profit, but it is only enough to meet the needs of the families. While the latter is the micro issues that have been formed, began to develop and grow.

Of the three issues above, gender issues are always at the top, where women entrepreneurs at all levels still have a double workload, they have to take care the households.

At the same workshop, Ir. Melly Latifah, M.Sc., informed the psychosocial study of women entrepreneurs on home industry she revealed. The study was based on socio-demographic, and  the psychosocial characteristics of the subjects, the psychosocial characteristics by age group, education level and family size, psychosocial characteristics of the type of business, as well as level of business development.

Earlier, Dr. Surikanti, of KPP-PA in her earlier study she revealed that more women are working at home industry than men. Therefore, it is the priority of KPP-PA to protect home industries.

“This joint  cooperation even between IPB and State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection was organized to obtain input from in depth studies implemented by the University. It is expected that the event will be beneficial for the development of home industry workers ” the results of research conducted "said Dr. Surikanti. (Wied)