Brief News (Ir. Abdul Jamil Hasymy, MS)

Brief News (Ir. Abdul Jamil Hasymy, MS)


Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi rooji’uun "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return." Ir. Abdul Jamil Hasymy, MS (Staf of Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology IPB) has passed away into Rahmatulloh (Alloh’s Grace) on 13 April 2011,  at her residence at IPB’s Housing Complex,Jl Jagung Rt.04/10 no 17 Bogor. We hope her Faith, her Islam and her her righteousness  are accepted by Allah SWT and forgiven of all her sins. Aamiin Yaa Allah Yaa Robbal ‘Aalamiin.