Bogor Agricultural University’s Tax Center

Bogor Agricultural University’s Tax Center


Effective 5 April 2011, Bogor Agricultural University has  officially established a Tax Center or Information Center for Taxation in its campus. The  opening ceremony was held on Tuesday, 5 April 2011, in Campus of the Diploma Programs, Cilibende, Bogor. The establishment of the Tax Center was a joint collaboration between the University  with the West Java II Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxes (Kanwil DJP Jabar II).

Vice Rector for Resources and Development, Prof. Dr. Herman Siregar, was very delighted with the establishment of this Tax Center at the Campus of Diploma Program. This Tax Center establishment is the follow up of the similar Center establishment in ten other universities.

According to Prof. Hermanto, Tax Center plays plenty important roles, such as an education media for  Diploma, the undergraduate students, and even for students of Masteral degree program in Management, where its campus is adjacent to the Diploma Campus.  Furthermore, continued Prof. Herman, Tax Center can be a learning center  for the children of the nation.

"We will be having better attitudes on taxes  if our knowledge and understanding on Taxes are given as early as possible. We are well aware, that we will not get better public services, if we disobey the tax, "said Prof. Herman who was accompanied by Director of the Diploma Program, Prof. M. Zairin, Junior.

In line with Prof. Herman, Prof. Dr. M. Zairin Junior expects that the Tax Center will  improve the knowledge and understanding of employees and students on taxes. Further, he explained that Tax Center will be managed by students of Diploma Program, especially those on Accounting Study Program.  Thus the Tax Center, will be a mini laboratory for students to explore more about the tax.

Meanwhile, the Head of West Java II Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxes, Drs. Taufieq Herman, MA., stated that the  opening of the Tax Center which is  located at the  Diploma Program, is actually effort to arouse citizens to cooperate together to build this country through taxes.

Earlier in the same venue, the signing of MoU between the Head of Regional Office of DGT Jabar II and Vice Rector for Resources and Development of Bogor Agricultural University took place. Then, followed by the signing of the establishment of Tax Center. (Wied).