Women Study Program (PSW) of IPB Discussing “Children-Friendly Town”
To be able to create "a Children-Friendly Town and Regency", there must be strong commitment from the local government. So said Dr. Wahyu Hartono, the Deputy for Child Growth and Development, Ministry of Women and Child Protection (KPPA) RI.
Dr. Wahyu expressed this view in the Discussion of Development of Children-Friendly Environment, held by the Division of Women Study Program, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (PSP3), Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB in Baranangsiang Campus of IPB, Bogor (9/3).
"In Bogor Regency starting at the district level, a “Children-Friendly Town” has been initiated. It is requested that IPB can provide assistance," said Dr. Wahyu in the presence of participants in the discussion attended by the partners of PSW Division, such as Municipality/Town Government of Bogor, Government of Bogor Regency, PSWs of Ibn Khaldun University, Djuanda University, Pakuan University, and Nusa Bangsa University.
Previously, Head of LPPM IPB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Pramudya explained the importance of the mother’s role in child development. Therefore, he continued, in creating the "a Children-Friendly Town", it should first be initiated with creating a children-friendly home.
"All of these cannot be separated from the mother’s role," said Prof Bambang, adding that the concept of ABGC (Academicians, Businessman, Governance and Community) needs further arrangement for the success of this program.
Meanwhile in the discussion group, a number of problems experienced by children were discussed in terms of age periods. Some examples of the problems in early childhood are that children are not absorbed into schools, limited number and facilities of early childhood education, inadequate quality of early childhood instructors, and violence against children.
Concerning the school-age children, the issues are unfriendly teachers, children being on the streets, the influence of Internet, the influence of cigarettes, food safety, low environmental awareness, low learning motivation, child violence, school dropout, sexual harassment, and child labor. (Mtd)