The Visits of Delegates of the Institute Technology of Surabaya
The delegates of Institute Technology of Surabaya (ITS – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November) visited Bogor Agricultural University recently. The visit was for the repayment of the previous visit of the delegates of Bogor Agricultural University sometime ago. The reception of the delegates was held Mawar Room, Baranang Siang Kampus, on 18 March 2011.
Administrative Head of ITS, Mr. Agung Pamudjo, acknowledged the reception prepared for his team by the host the Public Relations and Protocol of Bogor Agricultural University. According to him, the comparative study made by Bogor Agricultural University team by visiting ITS has inspired ITS to plan the same program as Bogor Agricultural University did. The ITS team consisted of members of the Public Relations and Protocol.
Welcome address was presented by the Executive Secretary of Bogor Agricultural University, Dr. Bonny PW Sukarno. In his remarks he stated that the relationships between ITS and Bogor Agricultural University is nothing new. This visit will be the second moment of state universities to have mutual cooperation, especially to exchange of information. Dr. Bonny stated that ITS has strong experiences on the Information Technology development, especially to to operate and manage Yurika TV station. While, Bogor Agricultural University has just begun to operate the newly built Green TV, therefore, Bogor Agricultural University might learn how to manage it to ITS.
Further Mr. Agung stated, that for ITS, the team has made the right choice to visit Bogor Agricultural University, as many community development programs planned by ITS, particularly the empowerment to the community around the campus have not been publicized as implemented by the Public Relation of Bogor Agricultural University in “Bulletin Pesona lingkar Kampus”.
Finally, similar programs planned and implemented by Bogor Agricultural University that have yet implemented by ITS will be proposed for future ITS Public Relations programs. Prior to visit the Public Relations offices at Darmaga Campus, the delegation were guided to visit the “Serambi Botani” the showcase of Bogor Agricultural University research products for marketing. (Wied).