The Rise of East Kalimantan on 2013

The Rise of East Kalimantan on 2013


The vision of East Kalimantan Province is to plan East Kalimantan to be the center of agro-industry and leading energy producer for the welfare of its coummunity. This was stated by the  Second Assistant for Economic Affairs and Development of  East Kalimantan Government, Ir. H Syahbani, M.Sc., in the Talkshow  "Kaltim  Bangkit 2013", together with the Chairman of the Yayasan Corp Indonesia, Mr. Adi Sasono, guided by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee Agrinex Expo 2011, Ir. Rifda Amarina, 4 March 2011,  at the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta.

Kaltim is noted for its natural  wealth. “Kaltim Bangkit” is planned to make Kaltim to be more competitive with other regions in Indonesia such as Java or Bali, and also to accelerate its of development, "said Syahbani

According to him, this program was planned  to accelerate the community toward a prosperous East Kalimantan, by exploiting natural resources, particularly energy and agriculture sector endowed by this province. "For our agricultural sector, it will geared toward the plantation, such as oil palm, rubber, cocoa, and food estate from food crops. It is well understood, that grain is  dominant  product or East Kalimantan. In addition to agribusiness as the main sectors, East Kalimantan will be directed to be the leading energy source in the future, "he said.

East Kalimantan has taken several steps, such as improving human resource capacity by providing scholarships to about 24 thousand students for junior high school to college each year. Then strengthening social institutions, encourage local authorities to change its status  to be a Regency of city of co-operative, and finally to set up acceleration to speed up the infrastructure development, to make affordable access the city by public.

Mr. Adi Sasono, former Minister of Cooperation suggested steps to be taken in relation to "Kaltim  Bangkit 2013", which is currently  implemented by the  East Kalimantan Government. Some of the suggestions are as follows: a). Improving the quality of human resources; b). Strengthening social institutions, and most importantly requirement  to rectify the production sharing of the natural resources in East Kalimantan. "In the framework of autonomy, East Kalimantan Government should become the representative and spokesman of its people to ask for their rights. The public should enjoy the fruits of the natural resources inherited by his ancestors long ago, "he said. (Wied)