Hatta Radjasa Tastes Callina

Hatta Radjasa Tastes Callina


Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Hatta Radjasa visited the Stand of Bogor Agricultural University  in Agrinex Expo 2011 in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), and tasted Callina served for the audiences ". It is sweet and fresh," said Hatta, accompanied by former Minister of Cooperatives, Adi Sosono and Rector of Bogor Agricultural University, Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto. Callina is the name of superior variety of papaya bred by the Center for Tropical Fruit Studies, Research and Community Services (PKBT LPPM) IPB. The team of the Plant Breeders include: Sriani Sujiprihati, Endang Gunawan, Darma Kusuma, Ahmad Kurniawan and Hidayat.

The characteristics of Callina or  papaya IPB9 are as follows: a). It is  cylindrical like a bullet; b). Green and its skin smooth; c). Thick flesh; d). They can be  kept longer than usual papaya; e). Early maturity and low-stature plants. Farmers can harvest its first fruit after 8.5 months of  planting.

In the market, Callina is popular with the name California. The community thought that such  fruit is imported  from the United States, which actually it is  local product. It seems that the community more  appreciate imprted products rather than  domestic products. Surely this oppinion  must be changed, "said Rector.

In addition to Callina, researchers PKBT IPB has also produced about 35 varieties of new crops as follows: 1). Rice (IPB 1R Dadahup and IPB Bakumpai), chili (Pesona IPB,  Seloka IPB, IPB CH1, CH2 IPB, IPB CH3, CH4 IPB, Selekta IPB, Ungara, IPB Perisai, IPB Makmur, IPB Perbani), Dea potato, salak Salman, melon (Bright Meta, Sunrise Meta, Orange Meta, Equator Meta, Snow White Meta), Banana (Raja Bulu Kuning, kepok Unti Sayang), papaya (Arum Bogor/IPB1, Carisya/IPB3, Sukma/IPB6,  Carlia/IPB4, Wulung Bogor/IPB10), pineapple (PK-1, Mahkota Bogor, Delika Subang), and mangosteen (Raya, Malinau, Marel, Wanayasa, Puspahiang). (Wied).