Dialogue RRI (Radio of the Republic of Indonesia): Organic Fertilizer Reduces Inorganic Fertilizer Use by 30 %

Dialogue RRI (Radio of the Republic of Indonesia): Organic Fertilizer Reduces Inorganic Fertilizer Use by 30 %


The use of organic fertilizer was found to reduce that of inorganic or synthetic fertilizers by up to 30 percent. "Farmers can benefit from the remaining harvest of rice straw as raw material for organic fertilizer. They simply bury the straw and add to it some decomposer to make it break down immediately. This simple technique can cut the use of synthetic fertilizers by 30 percent compared with the use of burned straw alone," said Researcher and Lecturer of Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University,  Ir.Purwono, MS in the RRI Afternoon Dialogue, Tuesday (third) in Bogor.

Decomposer is a natural formula containing decomposing bacteria. Farmers need only once to use the decomposer during the planting period. The program of using this inorganic fertilizer, according to Purwono, is a step as result of the reduced fertilizer subsidies from the government since 2010.

The use of organic fertilizers can also nourish and enrich the soil as well. This is different from the synthetic fertilizers which not only fertilizes the soil, but also even lower the soil acidity, making the soil water-saturated, and kill the microorganisms beneficial to plants. "The use of inorganic fertilizer will damage the environment and can lead to low crop productivity," explained Purwono. The successful use of organic and bio fertilizers for the purpose of reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers have been tested on rice fields in Karawang, Cianjur and Indramayu under the assistantship of IPB.

Asked about the possible success in the national program of using organic and bio fertilizers such as the successful use of inorganic fertilizers during the Mass Guidance Program in the past, Purwono said that it all depends on the socialization and institution. "It is not enough by providing adequate funding or incentives from the government. Not less important are the institutional aspects and socialization to the community especially the local government. One of the obstacles we face in implementing this program is that the local government policies sometimes even hinder it on the field," continued Purwono. In addition, Purwono admits many parties hold interests in the effort to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers. (mtd)