Brief News (Sunarti : Staf Public Relations Secretariat Executive IPB)

Brief News (Sunarti : Staf Public Relations Secretariat Executive IPB)


Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi rooji’uun "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return." Mrs. Sunarti (The Staff of Public Relations , Executive Secretariat IPB) has passed away into Rahmatulloh (Alloh’s Grace) on 16 March 2011, at: 04:00 p.m. at her residence at IPB’s Housing Complex  Alam  Sinar  Sari, Jl.Kemangi Rt1/Rw 4 Cibereum, Bogor. We hope her Faith, her Islam and her her righteousness  are accepted by Allah SWT and forgiven of all her sins. Aamiin Yaa Allah Yaa Robbal Aalamiin.