Brief News (Prof. Yayah Koswara : Professors & The Senior Educator of IPB)

Brief News (Prof. Yayah Koswara : Professors & The Senior Educator of IPB)


Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi rooji’uun ("Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return."),  Prof. Yayah Koswara (The Professors & the Senior Educators of IPB) has passed away into Rahmatulloh (Alloh’s Grace) , The Professors & the Senior Educators of IPB, on March 17, 2011,  04:00 a.m. at   Karya Bakti Hospital in Bogor. Her house address is in  Bogor Baru  Housing Estate Block D II and will be buried in the cemetery Tonjong Parung, Bogor. We hope her Faith, her Islam and her righteousness accepted by Allah SWT and forgiven all her sins. Aamiin Yaa Alloh Robbal Aalamiin