Delegation of CCROM -SEAP LPPM IPB attend SEAMEO-SPAFA Asia Pacific Forum 2011

Delegation of CCROM -SEAP LPPM IPB attend SEAMEO-SPAFA Asia Pacific Forum 2011


The strategic issue of climate change becomes an important concern for countries in the world, both developed and developing countries. In line with this phenomenon, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization-Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA) held the Asia Pacific Forum: Youth Action on Climate Change through Cultural Exploration Expression on 24 to 27 January 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop was supported by the ASEAN Foundation and the Japan Foundation. It aims to convey a message related the phenomenon of climate change through a cultural approach and increase collaboration among Asia Pacific countries to address the climate change impacts.

It was attended by approximately 150 participants as state representatives from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines, Macau, Vietnam, Laos, and Australia. One of the delegates from Indonesia who were selected to present an abstract was Doddy Juli Irawan, a researcher of CCROM-SEAP LPPM IPB with the title "Climate Challenge: Reflection and Strategy towards Sustainable Development in Indonesia". The presentation by the representatives of IPB was different from those of the other participants because it was delivered through the media of "Wayang Kulit" (puppet show).

According to Doddy, through our cultural approach to convey the message and policies of Indonesia, it is expected it would be easier for the people to understand the impact and opportunities of climate change. One of the programs put forward the presentation was Indonesia Sectoral Climate Change Roadmap (ICCSR) which was initiated by BAPPENAS (National Development Planning Agency) and all related ministries. The presentation delivered through Wayang Kulit received appreciation from all participants at the conference and will be implemented by other countries.