Workshop on Higher Education Partnership (HEP-DAAD) to Intiate Double Degree Program

Workshop on Higher Education Partnership (HEP-DAAD) to Intiate Double Degree Program


Academic Exchange Service or Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) of Germany in cooperation with Bogor Agricultural University held a Workshop on Higher Education Partnership (HEP-DAAD), entitled "Staff Exchange and Double Degree Initiation Program" on Thursday, 6 January 2011,  in Campus Darmaga .

In this workshop, the Vice Rector for Research and Cooperation of Bogor Agricultural University, Dr. Ir. Anas Miftah Fauzi reported on the  Faculty Exchange Program between the Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA), Columbia,  and Bogor Agricultural University, implemented on 23 – 29 November 2009. "HEP-DAAD program was started by the cooperation with UdeA in the medicinal field for  veterinary, then was continued with the sustainability of forest management, and climate change. During which the expansion of exchange program was  discussed, and the graduate school exchange program for double degree was initiated. Under the cooperation program, both universities will plan to send guest lecturers and to design join research proposal, "said Dr. Anas. As the result fo the cooperation program the following fields such as  livestock production, agribusiness, agronomy, forestry genetics, a special collaborative research project on bamboo, hydrogeology, the Siberut cooperation project plan, and the collaboration of crops genetic will be taken. In addition, Summer School Program was also recommended in the cooperstion program.

In 2010, the program planned to send 7 (seven) scientists of the Georg-August-University Gottingen (GAUG) will visit Indonesia, and in exchange 3 (three) Indonesian scientists will visit GAUG, 2 (two) will visit Chile, and 1 (one) Chilean scientist will visit Indonesia, 1 (one) Indonesian scientist will visit Columbia, and 2 (two) will visit  South Africa. "In the implementation, 1 (one) GAUG scientist has visited  Indonesia, and four Indonesian scientists have visited GAUG," said Dr.Anas

The objectives of the exchange program for 2010, were: (1). To improve the management of education program in the  future; (2). To implement students exchange; (3). To collect data to support students master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation; (4). To prepare supporting modules;  and (5). To explore any possibilities of supporting programs in the future.

Prof. Ralp Mitloehner of Tropenzentrum or CetSAF GAUG in his remarks stated that 19 students of both Bogor Agricultural University and GAUG conducted  collaborative  research in Gunung Walat. "With reference to agriculture, there have been  70% (seventy percent) of international cooperation activities carried by  3 (three) thousand institutions implemented under the umbrella of the DAAD. We expect that we will be able  to set up a tropical center to accommodate the various activities in that field. Especially at the moment we are in the process to intensify the cooperation programs on natural resources of tropical areas, "explained Prof. Ralp. He, stated further that international cooperation will be important factor for institutions to be ranked into excellent institution. Therefore, he recommended that GAUG will expand its  international cooperation with various institutions.

Drs. Slamet Sholeh, M. Sc, Head of Sub Directorate of Higher Education Cooperation, Directorate of Institutional, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education reported the Calendar Events  on  international cooperation under his Directorate. A total of 2045 (two thousand foruty five)  international cooperation activities have been indentified, mostly carried out by the University of Gajah Mada (UGM), namely 32 (thirty two) percent, followed by the Bandung Institute of Technology 13 (thirteen) percent, University of Indonesia 13 (thirteen) percent, Udayana University 9 (nine) percent, Unsyiah 6 (six) percent, and Bogor Agricultural University 4 (four) percent, "said Slamet. Meanwhile, the intended hosts of  international cooperation are  Japan 30 (thirty) percent, followed by Malaysia 14 (fourteen) percent, Australia 14 (fourteen) percent, South Korea 11 (eleven) percent,  and Germany 8 (eight) percent. The moderator for the workshop was Dr. Trikoesoemaningtyas, presenting Dr. Ir. Feri Kusnandar, Dr. Mohammad Agil, Dr. Nunung Nuryartono, and Dr. Suharno. (Wied).