Workshop on Gender Communication Strategy

Workshop on Gender Communication Strategy


Until now, there has been so much research on women and gender relations going on for almost 30 years. But why does this still have a small impact on how development is implemented? Why have the issues of gender and gender relations never been solved or at least reduced?

A gender expert Prof. Dr. Aida S. Vitayala Hubeis expressed this view in the Workshop on Gender Communication Strategies in Women’s Empowerment Program, which was organized by the Center for Women’s Studies (PSW) IPB, in the Auditorium of Silva Pertamina, Faculty of Forestry, Darmaga Campus of IPB, Monday (10 / 1).

"This is a national fundamental question and also for the gender communication strategies that have been done so far. To answer this question it is necessary to communicate the proposition with the power of acceptable evidence because not only knowledge is power, but power is knowledge," says Prof. Aida.

This workshop, officially opened by Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Pramudya, also presented as the speakers Prof. Dr. Totok Mardikanto from the University of Sebelas Maret (UNS) in Solo, an Expert from the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (KPP-PA) Pinki Saptandari, MA., and Head of the Major Program of Development Communication, Department of Communication Science and Community Development, Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) IPB, Dr. Djuara Lubis. (mtd)