Toto Tasmara and Dhanny Dahlan in Training Course on Employment Ethos & Professional Performance

Toto Tasmara and Dhanny Dahlan in Training Course on Employment Ethos & Professional Performance


In order to improve the professional performance of  staff of the Executive Secretary (SE), the Secretariat of the Directorates and Bureaus under  Bogor Agricultural University, they undertook the Traning Course on  personality, on 27 December 2010, in Dramaga campus IPB.

In the Course, the participants were given  oppportunities to learn procedures how to perform both the  national or international standards of services. Facilitators for the Training Course were experts from the School of Personality, Dhany Dahlan, and Motivator of Spiritual Training, Mr. Toto Tasmara

In the course, Dhany Dahlan provided tips on improving the performance, types of services that should be performed  by staff who are assigned  the jobs. He said, that performance  is a means of communication with others, develop a sense of confidence in themselves and a self declaration.

To esteem and personal treatment will be reflected when others judge us. Appearance should reflect three factors: appearance  (beauty), the brain and the spirit," he said in front of the participants

To get the best performance, Dhanny who has specific teaching style which sometimes mixed up with jokes, gave four  important  items for consideration, namely attitude, facial expression, health, cleanliness and neat. 

"There must be factors  to be considered in our performance,  namely the way we stand, walk, sit, talk and how to give the hand gestures," he said.

Dhany also taught the participants the best method of shaking hands, sitting position in the office, how to look at, speaking attitude, walking, and so forth.

Meanwhile, Toto Tasmara the spiritual motivator  encouraged the employees to have more  work ethic,  to be more productive, honest, know themselves, and shouldn’t  forget  the spiritual aspect

"There are five principles  that I mentioned as the work ethics, first working  must be based on the worship, grace, trust, self-esteem and challenges," he said.  (Wied)