Mother’s Day in the Evening Dialogue of RRI

Mother’s Day in the Evening Dialogue of RRI


A child asks Allah (God), ‘O Allah why does my mother likes to cry? Allah answers: "Because your mother is a woman; I create her as a very special being. I reinforce their shoulders to keep her children. I soften his heart to give a sense of security. I reinforce her womb to save the seed of man. I affirm her personality to continue to fight when others give up. I gave him a sense of sensitivity to love her children under any circumstances. I reinforce her inner heart to keep loving, despite being hurt by her children or even her husband. I give strength to encourage her husband to learn from mistakes. I give her inner beauty to protect her husband’s soul. Your mother is a very powerful creature. If at any time you see her cry, it’s because I give her the tears that could be used at any time to wash the inner wounds, as well as to give him new strength." Happy MOTHERS DAY…

In the commemoration of Mother’s Day on December 22, the Evening Dialogue of RRI raised the topic on the role of women by presenting the speaker, Dr. dr (general doctor). Sri Budiarti, of Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB, who is also Head of IPB Polyclinic. Starting the dialogue, dr. Sri said that women, who are identical to mother, have multi-roles. Therefore, it is important for mothers to always maintain good health; a healthy mother will ensure a healthy family. The society in general and families in particular must be able to change the life styles, by either providing knowledge on how to live healthily or other ways.

"I apply a healthy lifestyle in the family; how husband and children make themselves get used to eating healthy foods at home, no habit of eating snacks outside. As a mother who wants to get permanent results, we should always be patient, grateful, passionate, continuous and forceful in acquiring the habit. A mother who is good for the family must always be a "giver" in the family," she explained. (mtd)