Dwi Hastuti: Revitalization the Role of Mothers

Dwi Hastuti: Revitalization the Role of Mothers


Coffee Morning  at Bogor Agricultural University,  In Commemoration of the Mother Day, 22 December 2011

The role of a mother at present should be revitalized by increasing her maternal skills to provide stimulus, model, socializationion, support, setting rules and positive emotions for children. Especially,  related to the current issues and challenges encountered by the children. Then to increase family harmony and family support, enhancement of attention (Attention), the formation of emotional attachment (bonding) and communication  with the children and policy support pro-family and pro-children (primary health care, education and child protection).

This is the topic described by family expert and lecturer of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) Bogor Agricultural University, Dr. Ir. Dwi Hastuti, M.Sc., in the special event held by the Public Relations of the Executive Secretary of Bogor Agricultural University "Coffee Morning, In commemoration of Mother’s Day, in 21 December 2011, in PSP3 IPB, Baranangsiang Campus, Bogor

"Currently, there are so many working mothers who leave their children, to meet  the basic needs such as food, drink, clothing and to keep the emotional of children, mothers must continue to set  time and attention to their children. A good mother should be able to put  balance between working time and time for their children, "said Dwi Hastuti in front of journalists. According to her, attention to children should not only be performed post-pregnancy, but also when they are still in the womb.

"This is important factors  that  will shape the character of the children. Attention of  mothers will greatly affect the children in the womb. If the mother has an unstable emotion it will indirectly affect their children, and vice versa," says Dr. Dwi.

Related to single parent methods which is currently chosen by many parents, Dr. Dwi explained, single parents likely to have  children with emotional and behavioral problems 3-4 times higher  (Zill and Schoenborn, National Center for Health Statistics, 1990), and 84% of adolescents who are hospitalized for psychiatric reasons are from single parent families (research 1989 cited by Hewlett). "Therefore, either brides  or  briderooms who planned to get married they should be ready physically and emotionally, and they should be given guidances and counselings before marriage," he said.

In relation  to the mother day and the role mothers in Indonesia, Dr. Dwi explained that most of mothers in Indonesia are to take care their families, and the role of mothers  is very respective and heavy as they have to educate children with complexes challenges, such as globalization, mass media, the easy access to information, technological developments etc. (Wied).