Division of Marine Hydrobiology, Department of Marine Science and Technology (ITK), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) gives an international diving certificate.

Division of Marine Hydrobiology, Department of Marine Science and Technology (ITK), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) gives an international diving certificate.


The Division of Marine Hydrobiology, Department of Marine Science and Technology (ITK), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) gave International certificates of One Star SCUBA Diver to 27 students participating in the Scientific Diving course (ITK-201) on Wednesday (5/01/11) at ITK Multipurpose Room, Darmaga Campus of IPB.

The activities for diving certification have so far been based on the curriculum developed by the All-Indonesia Association of Diving Sports (POSSI) and the international diving organization ‘CMAS’ (Confederation Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques). "Certification is very beneficial to students in increasing competitiveness in the job market later on,” said Prof.Dr. Setyo Budi Susilo, Head of the ITK Department of IPB.

The same opinion is also expressed by the instructors in these activities. "The ability to dive is very important for students, but remember that diving is extremely close to the danger, so the diving rules that have been given during the course must be kept in mind," said Dr. Hascaryo Budi Iskandar.

Further, Prof. Dr. Dedi Soedharma as the person in charge and the originator of the Scientific Diving course expressed his appreciation for the introduction of these certification activities. "I am very happy because after more than two decades finally this Diving Course can produce students with the diving ability internationally recognized."
Prof. Dr. Dedi Soedharma also added that Hydrobiology Division opens sea diving training of international certification for all students of IPB from Diploma, Degree and Post Graduate Programs. Such opportunity is open to the general public and other IPB community members interested in underwater world.