Closing of BEST (Building Entrepreneur Students), Animal Husbandry Faculty of IPB

Closing of BEST (Building Entrepreneur Students), Animal Husbandry Faculty of IPB


Be a Beneficial Entrepreneur!

The BEST program has finally ended, which was held during the year of 2010 by the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (Fapet) of IPB, and three batches have been produced through this program. It was closed formally by Vice Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Ir. Moh. Yamin, accompanied by Chairman of BEST Program, Ir. Zulfikar Moesa, MS., and Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Dr. drh. Hasim DEA., in the Faculty’s meeting room, (17/12), Dramaga Campus of IPB, Bogor.

BEST, which began on December 6, 2009, had as its participants not only the graduates of Animal Husbandry Faculty of IPB ranch, but also those of other faculties and even other universities.
In the early activities in 2009, the first batch involved 30 participants from Fapet, in the second there were 30 participants from Fapet and other universities, and 27 participants from Fapet and other universities, namely Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) were in the third batch.

In his speech, Chairman of the BEST Program, Ir. Zulfikar Moesa, MS., said that the participants were not only trained theoretically and physically, but also given other practices in the entrepreneurial world.
"We also gave some knowledge of management, such as business management, production, marketing, finance and so on," he said.

Ir. Zulfikar suggests that in 2011 students be given the freedom of time to do business they want to initiate, for example, by providing a special time for this program. "Sometimes we had the difficulty to collect students to engage in this entrepreneurship because they were busy with the course activities," he said. It is planned to open an animal farming at the animal shed of Fapet in 2011 for the IPB students.

One of the participants in the third batch, an alumni of Civil Engineering Department of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Anggrian Setiono said that he was very satisfied with the knowledge he acquired during the workshop. "I am very satisfied because I get knowledge of marketing, production, and financial management. For me as a beginner, the knowledge of financial management given is very simple and easy to understand, and I have practiced it at the egg store of mine," said he, who always slept in the mosque during this workshop. He suggests that this program continue to operate and develop in the future because of many benefits you can get from it.

Vice Dean of Fapet, Dr. Moh. Yamin gave his message that the alumni of BEST could become entrepreneurs who have tremendous positive impact on others. "Life should be full of benefits, reach the ideals as high as the sky, and you must have high motivation," he said, giving encouragement. He said that the faculty will continue to provide impetus in both science and creating relationships to investors. The closing ceremony was also attended by Dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Dr. drh, Hasim, DEA, to provide motivation to the young entrepreneurs. In his motivating speech, Dr. Hasim advised that the participants to become entrepreneurs who can empower others and give benefits to the environment.

"Be the best person, a person who always provides benefits for others. An ideal personality is to have intellectual, moral, social, physical and spiritual credibility and specialized expertise as well," he said.
He also advised them not to become excessive entrepreneurs, but still considering supporting aspects of doing the business, for example by utilizing technology and other support.

Following the ceremonial activity, the participants visited the BEST Corner at Fapet, which is a means or a place where entrepreneurs sell their products. There were several products already available such as beverages, food and others ready for marketing. (mtd)