Bogor Agricultural University Develops Sea Farming in the Thousand Islands

Bogor Agricultural University Develops Sea Farming in the Thousand Islands


Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL) Research and Community Services Institution (LPPM) of Bogor Agricultural University with the authority of the Thousand Islands Regency  will develop Sea Farming in the Thousand Islands District. Such cooperation was marked by the signing of the MoU in the Training Center of PKSPL at Baranang Siang Campus, on 5 January 2011.

Head of the marine center, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tridoyo Kusumastanto, MS said that this cooperation is essential for the development of marine fisheries and the Thousand Islands, so there must be a shared commitment to promote community

The community who mostly fishermen will be developed towards the creation of Sea Farming. In addition, the community will also be guided in cultivating, maintaining and preserving the marine ecosystem. Sea Farming is community empowerment to enable them to change the mindset of the fishing fishermen to become cultivating fishermen.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Research and Cooperation, Dr. Anas Miftah Fauzi, added that actually the authority of the Administrative District of Thousand Islands has long been cooperating with Bogor Agriculltural University, particular with the Faculty of Fisheries. A lot of  the University students conducted their final field works in the Thousand Islands.

In addition, Dr.Anas expected that the Thousand Islands District will become the  Land Mark of Bogor Agricultural University, with many research activities and mentoring – coaching programs for the community by the University. Indirectly it will be felt by the community.

In response, the Thousand Islands Regent, Drs. Ludfi stated  that  90% of the Thousand Islands communities depend very  much on the sea, therefore,  all regional working units (SKPD) gearing towards  Fisherman and Tourism. He expected that most research programs designed by the University on the Thousand Islands will be utilized for the  community development of Thousand Islands. In addition, research results will also be utilized as the venue for educational tours that will assist the development of  the Thousand Islands. This MoU will be the stepping stone  for the betterment of the future, "he concluded. (Wied).