The Launching of Center for Women’s Studies Website

The Launching of Center for Women’s Studies Website


State Minister for Women and Child Protection (PPPA) Government of Indonesia, Mrs. Linda Gumelar, launched the Women’s Studies Center Web site (PSW) IPB, on Tuesday, 30 November 2010, at the Auditorium Toyib Hadiwijaya, Darmaga Kampus, Bogor. The launching or soft launching of this web has marked the readiness of the Division for Women’s Studies Program for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (psp3) Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Bogor Agricultural University to go back into its own center.

"Today we have recorded an important  moment  the return of the Center for Women’s Studies  into the arena of gender equality promotion. I do not see this as a revitalization, but rather as the end of the contemplation of the role of Center for Women’s Studies  for a greater role in the near future, "said the minister who was asked to be the keynote speaker at this "Seminar on Gender Capacity Building in Higher Education".

Earlier, Chairman of Division for Women’s Studies Program for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (psp3) Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Bogor Agricultural University, Dr. Titik Sumarti,  said that PSW LPPM IPB has a long historical background that full of dynamics. Since its establishment in 1991, as the first Women’s Studies Center in Indonesia under the leadership of Late Prof. Dr. Pudjiwati Sajogyo, up to its reorganization to be  the center in 2005, and chenged to be the Division of PSW psp3 LPPM IPB.

"Today is an important moment for the Division of Women’s Studies Program, Gender and Development to answer the needs of its end users on  development issues, that include issues on quality life of women and children, particularly in rural farmers.  It is also a great opportunity to rebuild  into the Center for Women’s Studies LPPM IPB, "explained Dr. Titik.

Meanwhile, the seminar which was officially opened by the Vice Rector for  Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Yonny Koesmaryono, invited two speakers, Dr. Heru Kasidi, M.Sc., the Assistant Deputy Science and Technology Gender Mainstreaming (PUG), of Economic Affairs, State Minister for Women and Child Protection (PPPA) Government of Indonesia, and Prof. Aida S. Vitayala S. Hubeis of the Department of Communication Science and Community Development, Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA)  Bogor Agricultural University.

The event was attended by the Head Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Prof.Dr. Bambang Pramudya, Professors, Head  and Director of Offices, Faculty members and students of Bogor Agricultural University. Other guests to the occassion  were the Rector of the University of Djuanda (UNIDA), Rector of the University Pakuan (UNPAK), Rector of the University of Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Rector of the University of Nusa Bangsa (UNB) of Bogor respectively, and partners of PSW PSW IPB within Greater Jakarta. (Wied).