HIMAKOVA of IPB holds a Seminar on Results of Surili 2010

HIMAKOVA of IPB holds a Seminar on Results of Surili 2010


Student Association of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism (HIMAKOVA), Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism (DKSHE), Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) held a Seminar on the Results of Environmental Expedition Study (Surili) at Sebangau and Bukit Raya, Friday (19 / 11), in Darmaga Campus of IPB.

In August, 70 HIMAKOVA students of IPB carried out the study in Sebangau and Bukit Raya, Kalimantan. They studied and made an inventory of various biodiversity such as species of birds, primates, butterflies, reptiles, amphibians, plants, natural state and so forth.

"In addition to the important values for lecturers and students, the expedition activities also contribute significantly to the local governments, and the Ministry of Forestry in the task of utilizing the wealth of biological resources for a better life. The aspects of mutualism in the implementation of these activities need to be developed. The hope is that they can present and disseminate what is found on the field related to the wealth of biological natural resources," said Dean of the Faculty of Forestry IPB, Dr.Hendrayanto. In particular, IPB students of DKSHE through HIMAKOVA, due to the importance of this activity, should be open as widely as possible to carry out conservation activities.

The supervisor of Himakova, Dr. Abdul Haris Mustari said the conservation region of Sebangau has an area of about 500 hectares, mainly of peatlands. "The size of the peat forest in Sebagau is 18.89 % of the total Kalimantan of 568 thousand hectares," said Dr.Mustari.

Head of Park Institution of Bukit Baka and Bukit Raya (TBBBR), Sapto Aji Prabowo, S. Hut, M. Si said the Park of Bukit Baka and Bukit Raya is a complex range of the Schwaner Mountains in Kalimantan. The TBBBR area is 181 thousand hectares. "Many Dayak tribes live in TBBBR. It is of a very high biodiversity value and the heart of Borneo. The peak of TBBBR mountains is Indonesia’s second highest after Kinabalu’s. Himakova activities are greatly important to provide inputs or recommendations in planning the utilization of the conservation park for the local government," said Sapto (mtd).