Crebs of IPB stages Biochemistry Seminar and Expo

Crebs of IPB stages Biochemistry Seminar and Expo


Community Research and Education in Biochemistry Student (CREBS) of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), the profession association for the students of Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, held a Biochemistry Seminar and Exhibition entitled "Health and Biochemistry", Saturday (27/11) at Darmaga Campus of IPB.

This event was opened by Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB, Dr. Hasim. On the topic of diabetes mellitus, the seminar session presented such speakers as: Prof. Dr. Zulies Ikawati, Apt (Pharmaceutical Professor of University of Gajah Mada), and Epi Suryono (Diabetes Association of Indonesia), while on the issue of cervical cancer, the speakers were Dr. Mauria Ratna Dina Asih, Sp. Og (a doctor and expert in cancer) and Titah Rahayu (activist in Indonesia Cancer House) and in the session on coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis the speakers were Dr. Hasim, DEA (a lecturer of  Biochemistry Department in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB, Faculty Dean as well as Chairman of Indonesian Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Association) and drh (vet). Sulistiyani M. Sc. Ph. D (a researcher of Lipids and Cholesterol Biochemistry).

Meanwhile on Sunday (28/12), the seminar discusses osteoporosis and healthy lifestyle with the speakers: Dr. Ernie Sulistyawati  (doctor and researcher of bone health), Dr. Prastuti (International Class lecturer of Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia), drh. Rizal Damanik, M.Rep.Sc, Ph.D, (nutrition lecturer and researcher of IPB), and Andang Gunawan (editorial director of Health Magazine Nirmala.(mtd)